About us

Leaving a mark with Construction

Onyx Pinnacle Builder’s is well versed in construction and is now evolving and morphing its business by providing clear and detailed contracts related to a customer’s construction project.

Construction contracting allows all parties involved in a project to be fully aware of the project at hand along with comprehensive terms and conditions with fully dictate the tasks and scope of the project.

Our experience plays a vital role in drafting the right format of contracts for various types of complicated and intricate projects in construction bringing to light and highlighting all the conditions involved which provide the path to the goal of any said project. This helps many customers be aware and develop right expectations of the upcoming structure at hand.

Crafted With Care

Watch Us On The Field

Hopefully i can inspire and encourage you to try out new ways of building. This video is a little more technical.

Our Team

Our Best Experts

Talathulla khan

Managing Director

Shafiq khan

Managing Partner

Kashmiya Akmal

Interior Designer

Arshad khan

Site Engineer

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